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The non-profit sector needs talented leaders, innovative thinkers

After a year of unprecedented demand for their services due to the social disruption brought on by the pandemic, many overworked and short-staffed Canadian charities are cautiously re-entering the labour market to recruit reinforcements.

“We have never been busier. You just keep going and going and going,” says Sara Napier, chief executive officer of United Way Halifax. In the interview, she said:

“The non-profit sector needs talent, needs innovative thinkers, needs resiliency,”

She has made some strategic hires in the past few months, including a laid-off banker with an MBA who had been working as a food delivery driver to make ends meet.

While much of the sector remains in precarious financial shape, organizations in the position to do so are replenishing their ranks by recalling employees laid off earlier in the pandemic and recruiting for positions vacant due to attrition – creating new career opportunities for people from a range of occupational backgrounds.


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